Visit a monkey in the tree of his life
He doesn't eat the fruit before it is ripe
When the sugar turns to alcohol
He shares his crop with one and all

The alcoholic tangerines are free
The alcoholic tangerines for you
The alcoholic tangerines for me

Friday, November 18, 2011

-The Mind Food Brain Maintenance Tool Kit-

-The Mind Food Brain Maintenance Tool Kit-

Volume 1: Nicotine Cures Alsheimers
* This poem is not intended to prevent or cure any disease or illness.
**These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

Your mind is in your hands.
Studies show that an active mind is a healthy mind.

In double blind studies
Laboratory raccoons who were genetically pre-conditioned
to develop Alsheimers were twice as likely to enjoy
Nicotine as non-demented control animals.

Lab tests prove a demented raccoon quickly learns
To roll its own cigarettes but it can't flick its bic,

Only a wooden match will suffice
As paper ones don't work in their little hands.

The study also shows demented raccoons roll
Twice as quickly as their non demented counterparts.

Startling results from hippocampal and amygdala dependant
Learning tests prove submerged demented raccoons
Had only 80% of the normal tau protiens
Of their unsubmerged non-demented cousins.

They displayed tangled clumps of tau proteins
And hyperphosphorlylated tau strands
Causing their neurons to become diseased.

Healthy Neuron                                                                Diseased Neuron
These results show that nicotine prevented the
Neurofibrillary tangles which cause memory loss
In demented raccoons, while improving short term spatial memory
In non demented control   animals.

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