Visit a monkey in the tree of his life
He doesn't eat the fruit before it is ripe
When the sugar turns to alcohol
He shares his crop with one and all

The alcoholic tangerines are free
The alcoholic tangerines for you
The alcoholic tangerines for me

Friday, July 10, 2015

Apology for the Alcoholic Tangerines

Its the reader’s job to select the ones that are still good.
Poems calcify to a point where they cannot be altered 
Sometimes they rot 

It's not as if there is no risk in eating an alcoholic tangerine
Many a monkey has fallen down
Whose reach went beyond his grasp
Disappearing below into a stupor 
Of careless intellectual indulgence

That said they are good
Desirable with an edge of danger
Tangible with an unexpected dash of beauty
A bright citrus juice burst in the mouth
And not devoid of nutrition 
Those who go without poetry too long
Develop a scurvy of the mind.

There is not enough thirst in this culture. Too much Satiety not enough thirst.
Where are the Pantagrulists of the 1530s?
There’s an interesting lot. They were always thirsty 
For knowledge. A reader of Rabelais is often prompted 
To drink and promised a happy hard on 
For his dime.

Why should we not be as they were?
While the tangerines may or may not cause a shifting of the codpiece
Who here has not felt an enlargement 

Before the great works of man in the arts?

Saturday, July 4, 2015

I Dream of Jeff Nuttall

This dream is interesting because I am a woman
I am not usually a woman
Usually I am just an eyeball with feelings

I have come to realize that the people I meet in my dreams
Are myself I am trying to tell me something important

The crowded dance floor includes me
A middle aged woman lanky in a white party dress
My dancing partner is Jeff Nuttall with lamb chops 
And the aspect of the Cheshire cat.

The pearls are important because I can feel their authenticity
No one doubts her sense of touch
The weight of them as the band plays 
Caledonia Caledonia what makes her thick head so hard
A film of perspiration completes a tactile sensation
As the large important beautiful pearls glow cool
Under soft stage lights.

And Jeff Nuttall is leaning on me with all the weight of misogyny itself
Of course he’s quite intoxicated he whispers
But I can’t understand he leans in and slips
In his own piss falling on the dance floor pulling
And breaking my necklace spilling the pearls

Next I am on my knees struggling to collect them
And Jeff Nuttall is down there with me as I realize I have no
Place to put these pearls hot pocket he says pointing
Pink purse indicating my vagina
File them in the fleshy folder
Seal them behind the sweet lips

That are the doors of the temple