Visit a monkey in the tree of his life
He doesn't eat the fruit before it is ripe
When the sugar turns to alcohol
He shares his crop with one and all

The alcoholic tangerines are free
The alcoholic tangerines for you
The alcoholic tangerines for me

Friday, April 12, 2024

 Pythagorean Dream

This is a dream from my college days. In the dream, I’m taking a test in a large open testing area with many kids sitting at individual desks. Everyone had a blank piece of white paper and a pencil. A tester at the podium asked the one question on the test: “Imagine you are visited by an alien species with whom you cannot communicate in written or spoken language. What would you do to communicate with them? All you’ve got is paper and pencil and an hour. Go.”

For a long time, I sat in stunned dejection wondering how to respond. I finally decided to draw a right triangle and label the three corners A, B, and C. Then I wrote the equation: A squared plus B squared equals C squared. My idea was to demonstrate to this supposed advanced race that I also understood some principles of mathematics and to open communication with them on that basis. If they understood that the corners were labeled with the first three letters of our alphabet, they perhaps could understand how our alphabet works and we could develop a kind of substitution code, which would lead to the beginning of written communication. 

I didn’t know whether my answer was correct or useful. The person behind the podium asked us to bring our papers forward one at a time. She looked at each paper and then told the test takers which way to walk down the hallway, and which door would admit them. When I got to the podium she looked at the paper and told me to go down the hall and enter the second door on my left. When I got to the heavy wooden door I knocked. A slot opened up and the doorman asked me: “Who is the greatest philosopher of all time.” I said Pythagoras, not because I believed it but because of my response on the test. The door creaked open and I stepped inside. The doorway led to a short tunnel that opened into a large brightly lit theatre. It was filled with men mostly. Young and old. All of them were carousing and telling loud stories and laughing uproariously. I walked toward the stage and ended up in the beer line. There was a keg going. I got my cup full of beer and started looking around. Faces I’d seen before popped out to me. “Hey, fellow from school whose name escapes me. Hey, I’m glad you made it. Have a beer.” It seemed I knew many of the faces in that theatre. We were all so happy to have made it. We congratulated each other and toasted to our health. 

After an hour or so of this, I started to wonder why we were in the theatre. Was there to be a show? There wasn’t one. And every single person in that room started to wonder what the hell was going on. The beer continued to flow and each new person who came through the tunnel was welcomed with a shout. “Hey! Another Pythagorean! All right!” The dream continued after this fashion for a long time. Eventually, I became dissatisfied with this. And I realized that I had answered the question incorrectly. As I woke up, my mind told me the correct answer: to draw a picture, of course. It had nothing to do with mathematics at all. If you have no language to work with, you draw a picture. Duh!

Monday, October 26, 2020

The Absurd Ass Bird


The most ass bird thing one could observe 

Is the fluttering of the absurd ass bird 

Pecking around a single word

The word should be interred for token

Slur from this word inferred

Savagely rough-aged and ill spoken

He circled as if one wing was broken

He scraped his beak across the curb 

Throwing sparks he squared at sharps 

Jumped upon and posted jargon

Wingbeat talon eyeball saltpeter

Screeching while dancing on a parking meter 

He looked me straight in the eye.

Crooked and cocked his beady head. 

Absurdly said he the word he said

Ach! It’s from the German.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Two Faces of Priestcraft

The Two Faces of Priestcraft are religion and atheism. Religion (which is false) leads to atheism (which is also false). A person involved in religion eventually becomes tired and disappointed with it because he invested in superstition. When he sees that the results of his adherence to religious ritual are nil and void, he adopts atheism. Both faces of priestcraft are designed to create an ambivalent state where the victim sees his life as pointless and he becomes ethically malleable. In this state, it doesn’t matter to the victim if he does good or evil. The victim becomes a useful agent for the devil. Because of his ambivalence toward evil, he becomes the pawn of Satan. After a religious person commits evil acts (for the greater glory of God), the priests are quick to offer their false forgiveness. The priests set up religion and atheism as a false dichotomy…two sides of the same coin. They pretend there is no other option and that the only choice is between religious ritual superstition and total unbelief (atheism). What they don’t want you to discover is ethical goodness. They don’t want you to know that you can choose ethical goodness, because in a state where you are choosing ethical goodness, Satan has no power over you. You become useless to Satan and his earthly kingdom. You become useless to his religion and his system of usury and slavery. 

I have stated that a religious person is on his way to becoming an atheist, but this is not the only direction that a religious person can take. If he fights hard against atheism and holds to his false religious belief, then he can achieve a feeling of personal holiness. Sometimes this feeling can last throughout the victim’s lifetime. This feeling of personal holiness becomes a sort of limbo (hell), where the person is unable to take part in acts of ethical goodness or evil. He is taken out of the game. He believes that his restraint is goodness. He is in the hell of self-righteousness and who can tell if he will ever awake? “In Hell all is self-righteousness,” said William Blake. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020


 The evil that dominates our world is priestcraft. The priests {Jesuit, Militant} run every corporate state and all the intelligence services. There are more than five eyes. They use the analogy of the checkerboard. The white squares are the churches, the schools, the orphanages. The black squares are what the devil really does with all God's money. The poisoning. The superimposition of religious ritual and superstition to replace ethical goodness. The explosions. You have no idea how deep this is. The bible itself is counterfeit, although God works good out of the evil works of Satan and writing the bible has now backfired on Satan finally. Jesus didn't live in Jerusalem. They want you to think all civilization comes from Europe via Rome and Babylon, but actually, ethical goodness came from Ancient Briton, and we are all living under the Roman Deception. The priests want you to think there is no alternative to their system of usury and slavery. They want you to think evil is native to the human heart. They want you to think that's just the way the world is. Every single catholic priest is a Satanic witch (why would they let people who weren't like them in their club?). The movie Elizabeth is the story of how the Vatican took over the crown of England with its Satanic cult. They own and create all celebrity. Hollywood. The popular music industry. They want you to accept what they produce as real art. They want you to accept McDonald's as real food. They want you to accept TV journalism as real news. It's all fake. All constructed to control you and to poison your mind and body. John of Patmos foresaw the Catholic Church and called it the Whore of Babylon for a reason. It offers a replacement for real ethical Christianity in the same way that a whore offers a replacement for real conjugal love. They want you to not be able to tell the difference. Finally, the Priests want you to accept their authority over you. That is priestcraft: the process of convincing humanity that they are in authority over us. (That is where their infiltration of science comes into it. Read Consilience by that Satanic pawn Edward O. Wilson 1998. Steven Hawking died in 1990 and they used his dead corpse to trumpet their Evolutionism and Atheism because they don't want humans to know that we are created for the one true God. They founded the Smithsonian to destroy evidence of ancient humans and giants that would complicate their narrative. The Osiris Club of London has for over 150 years done exactly the opposite of what it supposedly was founded to do--preserve the history of Ancient Briton--they want to destroy and obscure the history of ancient Briton--that is why when St. Patrick got to Ireland in the fifth century, the first thing he did was collect and burn all the ancient books in Ogum--the written language of ancient Briton. That is also why in 1280 the Vatican paid King Edward 1 to kill all the Bards of Wales--Welsh being the original ancient British Language and the Bards being the last vestige of that ancient cultural practice. That is also why, in 1765, when McPherson produced his ancient British epic poem: Ossian, that every Satanic pawn from Benji Franklin to Voltaire shouted it down as a fraud though it was genuine).

Monday, July 27, 2020

3 Rejected Poems

           The Sperm Whale

There is something to being on the surface of it
Lashing about in the sun and waves
Forever buoyed like a porpoise among forests of kelp.
The student of history is like a biologist
Aboard an underwater craft.
The incandescent truth pulls him through the darkness.

Many dolphins have orange dots on their foreheads
But their flippers cannot reach up and remove them.

I am a sperm whale and I rarely visit the surface
Forever compelled to dive further down
Into the dark cold recesses of the past
For in the depths of the past
The stars which are below
Shine again in another light.

         The Green Sea Turtle 

A Green Sea Turtle in conversation with 
Several yellow-fin Tuna fish
They take the words like food out of his beak
Their flippant words a feeding frenzy
He wonders openly at their appalling rapidity

"Don’t buzz my tower with your words,
You tuna fish," says the Green Sea Turtle 

A corral pool where the water gently swirls
His silent flippers churning disturb the surface of the water
And in his solitude, he experiences a gentle slowing of the tempo
A cannabinoid clarinet cadenza 
A mental ritardando approaching the place 
Where time cannot pass.

    The Flounder

At base, the flounder knows that he is delicious
That’s why he must hide on the bottom
Flicking sand and small stones to cover himself

He looks out with both eyes on the world
Inaction is the price of anonymity 
The virtue of the flounder’s inaction
Is Taoism in practice
He is very wise not to display his desirable flesh
To hungry prowlers

To other fish what the flounder does looks like failure
But if the flounder didn't flounder he couldn't live.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Prophecy No. 1

History only exists in individual minds. There is a need for stewardship of the public domain. There is a need to preserve the works of history, but for them to be truly preserved, they have to be read. They can’t exist only in closed books in libraries, in books that no one reads. There will be an improved society where the lives we lead will be ordered very differently than in today's society. Instead of going to college and then directly into the professions, we all will be working-class until our kids are raised. Only after our own kids graduate from high school can we enter the professions. If a person desires to enter a profession, his training will begin at age 36 or 37 and by age forty he or she will be a professional.

Not all professions exist in the future. All exploitative professions no longer exist. They implode. Their evil unsustainable. Their appetites unnatural. The banks implode and the stock market implodes. The insurance industry and investments fall like dominoes. Doctors, Lawyers, Judges, and Priests find a lack of incentives in the marketplace. Those who practice wise-craft basically serve the social function that the African witchdoctor fills in his society. The practitioners of wise-craft,—the witches— will no longer exist. But there is a need for the stewardship of the public domain. It takes individual minds to sustain history. We need people who will dedicate themselves to the stewardship of history, even the history of science before science was politicized toward human exploitation. The history of literature in a thousand languages. The history of art and music. A culinary history.

The most basic thing that is occult in our society is the understanding of the medical uses of herbs. By teaching this, we can let our children out from under the thumb of the medical industry. The medical industry is destroying itself, along with all exploitative practices. Science and medicine have become monstrous scams that are unsustainable. Industrial farming in the United States will collapse and the people who survive will adopt Mexican food practices. Only by keeping people ignorant are they able to exploit us. Doctors are thirsty and exploitative. Many of them borrowed a quarter of a million dollars to enter their marketplace. The bank owns them.  They are the automatons of evil. They don’t have choices. They already made their choice—they chose to enslave themselves to the banks and to the ethic of human exploitation that dominates our world. There is no freedom in money ethics. Either your behavior optimizes your finances or it doesn’t. If it does then you are a perfect Philistine.

A society of educated and ethical people is not exploitable by professionals and their professionalism.  The witches that rule us must depress our mentality to protect their marketplace. What would lawyers do in a society free from personal disputes? The reward for living a Christian life is that the practitioner of Christianity gets to live a Christian life. Once the good news is completely disseminated, we will also get to live in a Christian society (whereas we now live in a Philistine society). This society is the kingdom of God that Jesus taught us about. And we can read from the good parts of the bible, where Jesus teaches us what the kingdom of God is going to be like. The lawyer and the doctor both find little to do in a healthy society in which we all value each other. The judge will find himself adjudicating in an empty court. His druidical robes will no longer strike fear into the hearts of the accused. The crack of his gavel will be as silent as if it were pounded in an empty forest. When the ethical system of Christianity is fully disseminated the new age will begin.

The problem is that many of us have been duped into thinking that Christianity is a religion. It wasn’t supposed to be one. Christianity is a system of ethics that tells us to serve the needs of other humans. To forgive them, as Jesus forgave us. Christianity is a system of ethics that antagonizes Philistinism, which is the ethic of human exploitation that currently dominates our society. 

Priestcraft is and has always been witchcraft. It is an exploitative act of intentional deception to practice Priestcraft. The spell of religion is truly how the witch Circe turns all men into swine. Christianity is not a personal holiness quest the way these priests make it seem. Holiness becomes a status game in any church. For a thousand years we’ve had this problem of holiness and social status. If you appear to be more holy than other people that is status. And so, it’s natural for those people in elevated positions to act “holier than thou.” It’s in the way they speak and in the way they walk. In all their mannerisms. And which of us would not fall into this mode of superiority if we were giving the smallest amount of status? Are we not like kindergartners who wish that it was us that was given the privilege of erasing the chalkboard or assisting the teacher in handing out crayons? But all this is not Christianity. It is religion. Once a person falls into this pretense of holiness the only cure is to slap the log out of his eye and to see if he turns the other cheek. Christianity will always frustrate notions of personal status. The only status in a Christian society is the giving of gifts.

If a priest can make you ashamed of your natural self or your bodily functions, then he can own you. If he can make you fear what happens to you after you die, he can control you. Priestcraft cultivates mental weakness in the church members by playing on the superstition of the believers and encouraging it. Yes, demanding it.  Reject the priests and their stupid mumbo-jumbo! Wake up from your religion! You are no longer swine. Recognize the pearls that you’ve been trampling. The spell of the witch is broken. Hallelujah!

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Wolfbane: Chapter 2

        “If you don’t want to see or hear evil, you’d better keep your eyes closed tightly and your fingers in your ears. The truth is that the Satanic Church has grown too large to be concealed. The witches are too thirsty for the blood of our children. Even with the whole abortion industry producing adrenochrome and the entire child protection network providing orphans for Satanic sacrifices, they cannot quench their evil thirst.  Even with the importation of children purchased from the third world, there is not enough nutrition to sustain them. Those of us with our blinders firmly in place will not be able to deny much longer. Are they witches or are they vampires? It matters not what appellation, what parallels to popular culture are most correct. The blood machine is the bank machine. The Swissy flagged Red Cross drains us of our blood and cash.”
    “God Damnit, Wolfbane!” I said. “Why are you so poetic? Can we not enjoy our Christmas dinner without this talk? I don’t see you for fifteen months and we fall into this dramatic mode in the first ten minutes? It took me all day to prepare this fucking figgy pudding.”
    “Fuck your figgy pudding!” Wolfbane roared with laughter. “Although we could use a dram of your botanical spirits, as an aperitif, of course.” A great suggestion! “A little gin never hurt anybody. Tell me again your recipe?”
    “Wormwood and Fennel. Then Eucalyptus and Elderberry. One pot.” I said removing the stopper from the bottle and lowering my nose. My senses heightened by the effervescent aroma of Eucalyptus.”
    “A hint of lavender, as well,” he said. “Delicious.”
    “Pointless to keep a secret from you, sir,” I said. I poured the spirit into two chilled snifters and added a little soda.  A whole meadow of fragrance in one breath.
    Wolfbane tapped his cane on the floor as he gathered his thoughts. “It’s wonderful how our senses respond to a new ingredient that we had been without. Like the truth that is forbidden; once tasted it will never be forgotten. And also how one can become desensitized to the bullshit stinking under our very noses! Little by little, we’ve gotten used to the taste.” Wolfbane never jabbed unless he followed with a straight right. “We’ve spoken many times about the CIA infiltration of the press and the total collapse of the free press in 2008. Newspapers went under in their dozens after the emergence of online media. It’s funny how easily we forget.”
    “Yes, I also remember the housing bubble of 2007 and how the banks wiped out American homeowners in their millions and then hung For Sale signs on the houses. This caused a large recession that affected business, and the most affected business was the American newspaper business. The free press was wiped out by the same bankster bubble that ruined the housing market. And by 2012, what remained of the popular American press was propped up by Federal Bank entities disseminating pure corporate propaganda.”
    “Mind control!” cried Wolfbane. “Witchcraft! Like religion itself, poisoning the mind against the real ethical Christianity that we’ve inherited. When did Christians forget that usury is a sin against mankind and a tool of Satan, who is the slaver of mankind? Who are these fucking priests who replace Christian ethics with doddering religious superstition? Their priestcraft reduces us to bowing our heads and mumbling their Satanic words. Remember this my friend, the Pope is not the Vicar of Christ on Earth and Satan is not God.”
    “I’ll drink to that,” I said. “And communion is not a religious ritual involving the Babylonian cannibalism of the Christ. Communion is when Christians get together and enjoy the freedom, the love, and the blessing of being together. The cup of Christ is not filled with blood, but with wine.”
    “Ye Gads! You’re a fucking heretic,” said Wolfbane.
    With that Wolfbane reached into his jacket pocket and produced two pairs of white cloth gloves. “Put them on,” he instructed. Next, he reached down into his leather briefcase and pulled a gift-wrapped package from it. “Here’s your gift, but you can’t keep it. I borrowed it from the library.” I hesitated. “Well, go ahead, open it,” he said.
    “I know it’s a book,” I said ripping away the wrapping paper.
    “Tell me what you see,” said Wolfbane
    “I see a very old book. A full vellum binding over boards with clasps. The boards are beveled and the covers blind-tooled.  Gold tooling on the spine with handsewn end bands and the edges are sprinkled; all typical of 17th-century bindings. What library did you get this from?” I asked incredulously, already fearing the worst.
    “Why, the Newberry,” replied Wolfbane wryly.
    “Wolfbane, you’re a madman!” I yelled. “The Newberry Library has no circulating items for checkout.”
    “I didn’t say I checked it out, I said I borrowed it!” He bellowed. “I have certain privileges among librarians. Special access, you might call it. Now open it.”
    I opened the book to the title page. It read Demonology by His Majesty King James 1 of England. “Antique laid paper printed with Gothic script. Every page of this massive volume is worth more than $20,000 in the collectors market,” I said, my hands shaking.
    “That’s why it’s so hard to keep old books together. They are worth much more ripped apart page by page,” he replied.
    “What do you want me to do with it?” I asked.
    “Read it carefully. Then take it back to the library. Got to a kiosk, order some materials, then leave it with the materials. You’ll be the first one to have read it in fifty years.”
    “And if I’m caught?” I asked coldly.
    “There is as little chance of that as of you ripping out pages of this book for your own profit,” said Wolfbane.